Sunday, December 05, 2010

We're Still Here

We haven't been posting for a while. There have been a number of reasons for our absence:
  • There has been going on in our lives some of which I plan to share in future posts both here and at Parenting A Complex Child.

  • Additionally, I have been anxious about what I call an internet stalker who has been harrassing me off and on the past couple of years. Pictures have been taken from my websites and used in inappropriate ways as well as other things.

  • Finally, at times I feel a little discouraged because it seems that we are not always practicing what I preach about methods because of Billy Ray's health.

Enough of that it is time to share again. I really do want to share some of the new ideas that we are having to try for Billy Ray so that you, the reader, can take any piece of an idea and rework it into something that might work for your adult child.

Additionally, we have been blessed with new readers for the blogs and books. Bookie Publishing in Seoul, South Korea has translated and published my last book, Parenting an Adult with Disabilities and Special Needs. They are making wonderful strides in their part of the world and I want to encourage parents all that I can.

So, I promise not to be so quiet in the future.

Until next time,

Peggy Lou Morgan

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